Zero tolerance for workplace harassment
A diverse and inclusive work environment is our priority. Our Equality Plan promotes equal opportunities and professional development for all.
At MM Carpintero, we are committed to effective equality between women and men. Our Equality Plan, aligned with RD 901/2020, is proof of our commitment to a more equitable future.
We build a fairer future together! Our Equality Plan is an important step towards equality at work.
The main objectives of the plan: Reduce the wage gap and increase female representation in the carpentry and cabinetmaking profession.
Specific measures implemented: Training programmes and transparent selection policies.
The results achieved so far: A collaborative team of professional officers, enthusiastic assistants and promising carpentry apprentices.
We are not robots, we need to laugh and joke with our colleagues while doing our job!
But always with respect.
Our team only includes people who are respectful of their colleagues, regardless of their gender, nationality, beliefs or ideals.
We encourage teamwork and training for all employees to identify and prevent workplace harassment.
Our principle is equal collaboration in work to achieve the best result.